Everyone wants to take great care of their furry friends, but it's common to let their teeth go unchecked. By the age of four, most dogs and cats have some form of dental disease (that's right, even if you use those tooth-friendly treats). But why is it so important to take care of your pet's dental hygiene? In the wild, they would have been fine, right? It's not that simple. We're here to talk about some of the problems that can arise from poor dental hygiene in your pets. Read on to learn more.

Oral Health Concerns

Your pet's oral health is the first concern when it comes to poor dental hygiene. Just like people, pets can have common oral health problems like gingivitis, cavities, and periodontitis. These are the result of a buildup of plaque and tartar. Remember, if you're not brushing your pet's teeth, plaque and bacteria will continue to build up. While these oral health problems are manageable, when left unchecked, they can get more serious. Gingivitis can turn into a more serious gum disease (which is irreversible). Pets with poor dental hygiene can develop pyorrhea, a condition that can create pockets of puss around the animal's tooth (and cause teeth to fall out). Pets can also develop oral cancer. While this may not be something that you can prevent, it is something that you can catch early with routine pet dental visits.

Other Physical Health Concerns

Dental hygiene for pets doesn't only impact their oral health. If the pet has an infection or disease, that infection or disease can spread. Oral diseases can spread to the heart, brain, and kidneys just like they can in humans. Poor oral health will also impact your pet's ability to eat and drink. If a pet's teeth are hurting, they may stop eating their normal food.

Preventing and Fixing Your Pet's Dental Hygiene Problems

There are steps that you can take to keep your pet's teeth and gums as healthy as possible. It all starts with their diet. Dry food is often best, but if you have a cat (notorious for not getting enough water throughout the day), you can use both dry and wet food. If your pet is a dog, provide them with plenty of chew toys and chewy dental sticks. For cats, offer them dental treats. You can try to brush your pet's teeth on your own, but if that's too difficult, visit your local veterinarian for help.

Protect Your Pet's Dental Hygiene

Poor dental hygiene for pets can lead to serious oral and physical health problems. Make sure that you're taking good care of your furry friend's dental hygiene so they can live a long, healthy, and pain-free life. Are you looking for more affordable pet dental in South Calgary? We want to meet you! Book an appointment with our experienced team today.